Serving For The Glory of God
“ Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
We have been a part of the Doxa family since September 2018.
It’s hard to choose just one song but if I had to pick it would be How Deep the Father's Love For Us.
What have you been able to behold?
I’ve been able to behold the gospel through the liturgy of our Sunday Gatherings. When my family started gathering with Doxa Church on Sunday mornings, it didn’t take long to notice that there was a focus on communicating the gospel elements of creation, fall, redemption, and reconciliation. I think what I love most about this liturgy is that it is focused on God and his goodness, rather than focusing on creating the “ideal guest experience.”
“I’ve witnessed her secretly serve others with no desire for man’s applause. She regularly fills in the gaps on Sunday mornings when someone misses their responsibilities. And she never grumbles. ”
In the past year, I've witnessed many members of Doxa Church live out the Soli Deo Gloria principle. One person in particular has been Caroline Scott. I've witnessed her secretly serve others with no desire for man's applause. She regularly fills in the gaps on Sunday mornings when someone misses their responsibilities. And she never grumbles. Watching Caroline serve with such a humble heart has challenged me to serve the church in such a way that I stopped hunting for people to see me serving. I want to live Soli Deo Gloria like that. I want to be satisfied in the fact that God will be glorified when I serve his church.
How have you grown in obedience?
The gospel-focused liturgy of our Sunday gatherings has transformed my view of what Sunday morning is all about. Truthfully, there was a time not long ago when I thought “guest experience” was the most important aspect of any Sunday service. Although we always want to welcome guests at Doxa, I think you’ll notice that we don’t focus our gatherings on any one type of person. Our gatherings aren’t people-focused at all. I believe that God has blessed Doxa Church at least partly due to the liturgy that pulls the hearer away from themselves and into the glory of the crucified and risen Son of God. That’s more refreshing to a sinner than anything else.
Jon Wood, A Covenant Member & Staff Member