Best Things I Read & Heard This Week

  • STOP PRAYING FOR STUFF BY DAVID PLATT. The discipline of prayer is a challenge for even the most mature disciples. I found this article to be helpful for any Christian. A short and simple read that compliments our sermon campaign from 2019, “Lord, Teach Us To Pray.” If you are trying to grow in your prayer life, read the article and click the button below to revisit the sermon campaign.

  • DAILY READINGS WITH MARTIN LUTHER. I was gifted this book by a dear brother and have thoroughly enjoyed it this week. Many have a tough time reading Luther. Some of it due to his coarseness, some of it due to complexity. However, this book is easily accessible and edifying. Here are several thoughts that were helpful to me:

    • Faith is a free surrender and a joyous wager on the unseen, untried, and unknown goodness of God.

    • If you believe, you already have God; if you do not believe, you do not have Him. To have faith is to have God.

    • To believe means to undertake to die.

  • PSALM 85. I have spent the week in this Psalm. It is the Scripture for Sunday’s sermon. While not giving away too much of the sermon, a couple neat details:

    • Historically scholars have debated on when the Psalm was written. Was it written during exile or the during the reign of David? I’ve found no agreement or compelling argument to take a stance.

    • An additional fun fact is historically churches have used this Psalm during Christmas time because the Psalm highlights God’s favor and peace upon His covenant people. Read and reflect on the Psalm to ready your heart for Sunday.

Jeth Looney