Best Things I Read & Heard This Week
10 Opportunities to Talk to Your Child About God in Everyday Life. This handy one-page printable is a good reminder of all the many times in a day I can point my daughter to Jesus. It gives ideas of how to talk about Him when they notice something they like in nature, when they disobey, at mealtimes, and more.
Prayer. This book by Timothy Keller was a gift and I’m currently reading it. Prayer is not something that comes easy for me, but this has been such a helpful resource along with these tips:
Keeping a list of what I’m praying for
Praying Scripture, like Psalms or The Lord’s Prayer
Journaling prayers
The Greatest Gift. I actually haven’t read this book this week, but I will soon! I love this Advent book by Ann Voskamp and I read it every December. The content will pair very nicely with Pastor Jeth’s sermon series on The Family Tree of Christ.
In Christ,
Caroline Scott
Covenant Member