Tuning The Heart To Forgive
Even the thought of forgiveness can feel like an impossible algebraic equation. The more you think about how you were wronged, what was lost, and ways to incur repayment, the more complicated the problem becomes. The wrongs to be made right. Debts to be paid. Yet, harboring unforgiveness will never bring you peace or rest…will never bring you the solution to the problem in front of you. Instead, withholding forgiveness undermines our ability to experience spiritual, physical, and emotional health in life, ultimately resulting in weakness rather than strength.
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” -Ephesians 4:32
Even still, no matter the wrong or amount of unforgiveness you harbor, there is good news for you! You can draw upon the strength to forgive from the inexhaustible Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been empowered to forgive because we have received the divine forgiveness of God. To forgive others stems from our increasing delight in the forgiveness gifted to us by God.
Here are 21 Gospel Principles* to hep tune the heart to forgive…
My huge debt is canceled; I am released from God’s wrath.
Even my sins of Unforgiveness are forgiven, covered, and forgotten.
Jesus has borne the anger and justice of God on my behalf, and continually intercedes for me.
The righteousness of Jesus’ obedience (in loving and forgiving others perfectly) is credited to me.
I am neither a slave nor an orphan, alone nor powerless.
I am now an heir, and a co-heir with Christ.
I have a compassionate High Priest who understands the trials and temptations I face as I struggle to forgive. He is there for me.
The Spirit of Sonship lives within me, reminding me of my identity, guiding me to be like my Father, coming alongside me as my helper, and crying out on my behalf.
There is no condemnation directed against me and no one can accuse me. I need not be afraid of seeing my lack of forgiveness toward others.
No one (and nothing) can operate me from my Father’s love. He has already seen and paid for every dark part of my heart. Repentance can lead me to joy.
My Father is committed to my maturity and pursues me patiently and tirelessly toward that end. He has a glorious vision for me. I need not fear anything he wants to create in me.
I have not been given a spirit of fear or timidity. My Father fights for me, and has placed His courageous heart heart within me.
I have access to the throne of grace, and may boldly approach my Father with my struggle to forgive.
My heart has been sprinkled to cleanse me from a guilty conscience. I am set free from the bondage of guilt.
I have been set free from the bondage of the “law” of forgiveness, and can earnestly seek to fulfill it as the expression of my Father’s heart, in whom I delight.
Jesus is my holiness and sanctification He is the author and the completer of what he has begun in me. I will finish the race.
I have been set free from the bondage to Satan. My Father is victorious over him. I need not fear.
I have been set free from bondage to sin. My Father empowers me to follow his will in forgiving others.
My Father has made me a partner in His kingdom business. Forgiveness blows a hole in the gates of hell!
One day I will be made a perfect forgiver and lover like my Father, and will fellowship with Him forever. He wants me to taste and enjoy more of this reality here and now.
We are prayerful for you as you examine your heart and consider area of unforgiveness. We encourage you to invite Jesus into those painful spots and help solve the equation before you. You can also listen to Pastor Jeth’s recent message focusing on forgiveness here.
*The 21 Gospel Principles included in this post are from the Sonship Manual: 3rd Edition, pages 205-206.