A Paradox Worthy of Song
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…” Isaiah 5:21
This is the paradox of the Gospel: God calls those who are evil “good” and welcomes them as sons and daughters into His Kingdom. But, how can God call evil good? This is the Gospel: Jesus’ righteousness has been transferred to those of us who believe in Him in exchange for our sins! This is why we sing, “Oh, Great is our God!” God has made a way for the worst of sinners to be made right, blameless…“good.” This is good news!
“So awesome His ways, how could we comprehend them? So we will make it known to our kids. And we will sing about the gracious gifts You give”
God calls us sons and daughters because His justice has been satisfied through Jesus on the cross. God is no longer angry with us and that is a story worth “making known to our kids” and for them to make known to their kids, that they are known and loved by the God of all things. “No song is too loud; no orchestra too stately.” This news cannot and will not be exhausted until His return. In a time that is consumed with self, let the object of praise remain: God. Because of what He has done on our behalf, “let our songs be endless” and let us give thanks because our God is GREAT!
Oh! Great is our God! So we should worship greatly!!
No song is too loud! No orchestra too stately
To hail the majesty of our King
So lift your voices loud as we sing
Oh! Great is our God! So let our songs be endless!!
So awesome His ways, how could we comprehend them?
So we will make it known to our kids
And we will sing about the gracious gifts You give
We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!
Oh! Great is our God! And we cannot contain it!
We sing from our souls, affected by His greatness
His mercy covers all that Heʼs made
Showing His glory and His grace
We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!
We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!
We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great.
*This post is written by Grayson, one of Doxa’s Core Team Members.