Pervasiveness of God's Glory
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
We have been a part of Doxa since the living room days!
(Summer of 2018)
What have you been able to behold?
In the past year, one of the biggest things I have been able to behold may also be the most tangible. I have been blessed to call Doxa my church since the very beginning, and so have seen all of the mountains and valleys we’ve experienced so far.
“I feel so humbled that God would bless a group of broken people in such a way. All glory to God.”
One of the greatest blessings I’ve seen in the life of our church within the last year is how much our church has grown in numbers. While I don’t equate the health of a church much by way of number of people attending, in this case, it has been evidence to me of God’s providence and His hand on our church. And numbers without sacrificing true relational growth between members who seek to be vulnerable and to help build each other up as a body of believers. I feel so humbled that God would bless a group of broken people in such a way. All glory to God.
How have you grown in obedience?
One of the ways I have grown and continue to grow in obedience is by being in the Word daily. I have come to realize that my soul hungers for the Word each day, and if I don’t feed it, I tend to be reactionary with my faith and only try to wield it amid warfare. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I would say even more important, is starting the day with the Lord and His scriptures. When we start the day with the Lord we set our tone for the day. We preemptively prepare our hearts to serve the Lord and it helps to keep us weary of the spiritual warfare we WILL face daily. While I am far from perfecting the art of waking up and being intentional, I have seen a great degree more of obedience in that aspect of my life in the last year.
In what ways have you been transformed?
I think in trying to live my life more and more so that God might be glorified. I find that thought in my heart more and more “What have I done to glorify God”, “Is this action glorifying to God”,” Did I treat my children in a way that is glorifying to God” “How can I serve in a way that is glorifying to God”. When I reflect, I might not always see that my actions have been glorifying God, but there has been a clear transformation in my soul.
Chase Norse- A Covenant Member