A Home To Facilitate Our Vision & Mission
We are incredibly grateful to share great news that supplies us with even more opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. Through much prayer and searching over the last 10 months, God has provided us a new home as a local church. In unison with the Psalmist, we praise Him, “Bless the Lord, O My Soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” We are so thankful for God’s provision.
A building doesn’t make a church, that’s theologically known truth. However, space does provide us an ability to serve and build disciples who have the inches of their mind and heart transformed by the good news of the Gospel. A home supplies us with more opportunities to form fully functioning disciples who scatter for mission across the community, so even more inches are filled with God’s glory.
Next Steps
We are in the middle of taking the necessary steps with the local government to ready the building for occupancy. In the coming weeks, we will have opportunities to work on the facilities in preparation for a grand opening in the Spring of 2021. We will continue to provide updates here on the website and blog, as well as on social media platforms. If you have questions or want to learn more about living on mission with us, please feel free to email us! We would love to connect with you to share our story and hear yours!
For the Glory of Christ,
Pastor Jeth Looney