Six Helps From Luther On Bible Reading
The crude mouthed Augustine monk and father of the Reformation, Martin Luther’s, contributions extend well beyond the 95 Theses and fight for the doctrine, Justification by Faith Alone. Luther provides some great helps and reminders on how to understand the Bible. I trust they might be profitable in your efforts to “rightly divide the Word of truth” and “make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” [2 Timothy 2:15; 3:15].
It is most certain that the Holy Scriptures cannot be fathomed by study and scholarship alone.
Therefore, your first duty in approaching the Bible is to begin to pray, and to pray to this effect:
That if it pleases God to accomplish something through you for His own glory, and not for your own glory nor that of any other man, that of His grace He grant you true understanding of His words.
The reason for this is that no master of the divine word exists, except the author of these words, as Christ Himself says, ‘They shall all be taught of God.’ [John 6:45]
Therefore, you on your part must stand in complete despair of your own industry and scholarship, and rely solely and utterly on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Believe me, I know the truth of this in my own life.
In short, Luther reminds us, we not only need God’s help to be saved, but we need God’s help to understand His Word. As you approach reading the Bible, come with a humble heart, and an open mouth confessing your need for the Lord’s help.
*Six quotes taken from the book Daily Readings with Martin Luther