Family Worship & Devotion Week Four
It is our prayer that this family worship and devotion content, in conjunction with the sermon campaign and additional discipleship opportunities for adults, would equip parents to have gospel transformative conversations within the home. One suggestion for incorporating these gospel moments within your weekly routines is to be intentional about making them a part of your routine. For example, if your family always eats a certain meal together, allow this to be the first topic of conversation, or maybe you always have these conversations on the drive to school. We are praying for you as you take on the endeavor of discipling your children and are here for you should you need anything!
The discipleship opportunities that Doxa provides for adults will contribute to your own beholding, obeying and being transformed by the gospel, and therefore will further equip you in the discipleship of your kids. We would encourage you to listen to the previous sermons of the Attributes of God campaign (linked below), participate in a Doxa Community, and read through Jen Wilkin’s None Like Him (chapter 4 specifically mirrors this week’s content).
We have looked at the creation story to reflect God’s uniqueness, incomprehensibility and self existence. This week, we have the opportunity to look at the feeding of the 5,000 in order to see God’s self sufficiency on display. The aseity of God means that He alone is independent, self-existent, living and self sufficient. He was not created (He always was), and He needs nothing. Even still, He is needed by and provides for all things.
The account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 displays not only our own human limits (we need— sleep, water, food, air, etc.) but his sufficiency in his lack of need and in his provision for that which we do need.
As we look at the feeding of the 5,000, we see physical needs being met that are symbolic of his meeting a much greater need— our greatest need of salvation. This is a great opportunity to talk to your kids about how Jesus is considered the bread of life!
Jesus Storybook Bible
Filled Full!
Page 244
God, thank you that you don’t need anything but that you provide for all that we need. Amen!
Why is the self sufficiency of God important to a Christian?
God was not created, but created everything. In His design, He does not need anything but all of creation needs him. His self sufficiency says that He can provide for all that we need and that we can’t survive apart from Him.
Yes, we have physical needs that are easy to list. But our greatest need is for salvation— that our sins would be forgiven so that we can spend eternity with God. Jesus not only meets our physical needs, but also that greatest need.
The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by mn, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.
Acts 17:24-25
God, thank you for providing for all of our needs, including our greatest need for salvation. Amen!