Men, Stop Believing The Myth


There are many temptations men face.  One is that men have believed in a myth of what defines manhood. Culture says masculinity is about the strength of the body and the skills of the hand. Sadly, it's this type of mindset that encourages a strong body and a weak will. This has been a tradition that dates back to the garden—not a new fad or trend for men. Today, there's an urgency for men to take Paul's exhortation to Titus seriously, "Young men be sober-minded." The time is now for men to have some resolve and understand the real dangers and temptations they face because it matters now and in eternity. I want to invite you to join me for a Men's Gathering, where we will look at J.C. Ryle's classic work, "Thoughts to Young Men." Now is not the time for spiritual laziness, but vigor for Gospel joy, service to others, and ultimately, a zeal for God's glory.

General Thoughts & Expectations For The Gathering

  • Why call it an “intensive?” The goal is to dive deeply and intentionally over the course of several weeks on “Biblical Manhood” from Ryle’s book, Thoughts to Young Men. In one sense it’s that, but another sense intense due to truths and principles sure to lead a man to personal examination, repentance, and greater trust in the Lord Jesus.

  • Commitment. Yes, come, attend, and be present. These are likely known facts to all, but the temptation exists. What temptation? The sure thought or idea this stuff is useful for other men, not yourself. How easily we forget the Lord Jesus’ warning, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Remember, “It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud.”

    Proverbs 16:19

  • Attitude. Any study of Scripture or theology requires an attitude of humility. You see, Jesus provided a warning but a promise in Matthew 23:12. Those who are humble in heart will be exalted. Time and time again Christ emphasized the importance of lowliness [Matthew 18:4], but the Lord Jesus himself exemplified this by becoming a human being [Philippians 2:5-11] and how He explains His heart [Matthew 11:29]. Men love to boast about achievements, whether the strength of their backs, skills of their hands, or wit of their mind, but humility is the posture needed to receive the grace of God [James 4:6], and humility places you on the pathway of the narrow road that leads to life [Matthew 7:13-14].

  • Change. There is not one who doesn’t need change in their life. We know it’s the grace of God that made us alive [Ephesians 2:5] and this same grace that empowers with all things necessary for life and godliness [2 Peter 1:3]. If we have breath in our lungs, the Spirit of God dwells within us, then real change is possible and part of the will of God [1 Thessalonians 4:3]. Spiritual blindness, unfruitfulness, and ineffectiveness are realities for those who have taken their eyes off Christ [2 Peter 1:8]. Ask the Lord to use this intensive to change you, but also believe God can use it to change you.

Looking forward to gathering on August 2! We will provide the book, you provide the Bible, notebook, and the effort.

Jeth Looney