He Is Steady


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17

James 1:17 might initially seem out of place in the midst of a passage that speaks of enduring trials, persevering for the reason that it produces steadfastness and sanctification. But as we read about the testing of our faith, what great assurance it is that the God we serve in the midst of that promises to be unchanging. He is steady, he is sure. His promises are secure. What good news when humanity is most aware of their fragility and brokenness!

And to be sure, his gifts are good because he has lavished on us more than we could ever deserve. Yes, even in the midst of uncertain times, we have much to be thankful for. Even as everything else might be falling apart, we can be thankful that God was willing to extend grace through his Son, Jesus, who lived the perfect life we couldn’t so that he could be a worthy substitute for our sin as he died and rose again, giving us access to the Father. We don’t have to pay the price for our sins because Jesus already did, and that, friends, is the ultimate thing to be thankful for. If the only things we can find to be thankful for are material, then the Christian life is not worth following when we enter trial and hardship that seemingly takes those things away from us. But praise God we can rest in the greatest gift God has given us in Jesus, and that God “does not change like the shifting shadows.”



Thank you for your good and undeserved gift of death on a cross so that we could have relationship with you. We have much to be thankful for in the tangible gifts you have given us, but even if those were taken away help us maintain perspective that this is the gift that truly matters. Thank you for being steady in the midst of uncertainty. Amen!

Written by Doxa Covenant Member

Jeth Looney