In Him
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
The harder the journey, the bigger the fight. Adversity is the soundtrack of life. Happily ever after describes the longing of our hearts, but is rarely found as we journey upon the earth. Life is a hard journey filled with battles. Frodo had a hard journey to Mordor filled with great battles. In Bunyan’s classic, Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian had a long and hard journey to the Celestial City. The Scriptures are replete with examples, too [Hebrews 11:4-40]. The Christian life is a hard journey with a daily fight. Christ told the disciples, “take up their cross, and follow Him.” Even they knew that would not be pleasant. Sadly, God’s people forget this all too often. We would rather fantasize and idolize ideals dressed up in personal preferences. The doctor will give us good news. The boss will give us the raise. The children will listen and obey. Bible reading will be easy. Prayer will become natural. The news will announce a cure and things will return to normal. The daily fight on this rugged journey is this— more often than not, the outcomes rarely match our expectations. Paul reminded the church in Rome that “these present sufferings do not compare with the glory to be revealed.” Here is a maximum perspective for the journey. Paul sees what he will gain to be exceedingly greater than what he presently endures. So, what is the sword Paul wields to fight against thoughts of disappoint, frustration, and abandonment on narrow road that leads to life? There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are IN Christ. The weapon is being found “in Christ.” This truth is the tried and true weapon for the daily fight on the Christian life. You might believe this not to be a useful weapon. Woe to your unbelieving heart. Remember, the major point of difference: In Christ, no condemnation, Outside of Him condemned. No wrath for your sin, all wrath for your sin. Eternal misery, eternal enjoyment. Our journeys upon this earth are brief. A small bit of misery in this life pales in comparison to the eternal enjoyment in the presence of God. Take up the truth be found “In Christ” and find yourself enabled to face any problem or challenge in this terribly short life.
Gracious God,
My hope for this hard journey and daily battle is found in Christ alone. Christ, you are my light in the darkest of days on this journey. Christ, you are my strength on my weakest days on this road. May my heart not forget that I can stand firm through the fiercest drought and heaviest storm, because Christ Jesus stood firm enduring the fierce and heavy wrath of the Father for my own sin. Holy Spirit, let me to remember that life is short, eternity is forever. Amen.