Acts Campaign Resources


The book of Acts is a narrative of epic proportion. Within these pages a story unfolds that marks the beginning of a movement still flourishing two thousand years later: Jesus’ Church. Acts recounts the amazing news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the spreading of this news throughout the ancient world. In this book, we see mass conversions, baptisms, powerful preaching, sacrificial giving, bold evangelism in the face of persecution, and Christians imprisoned by the Roman government, all tied to the mission of the church to make disciples of every tongue, tribe, and nation. 

Even more incredible is that we get to witness God still at work through the church today. God has empowered the church to accomplish Jesus’ mission. During this campaign, we will look at what it means to be empowered as the church in our current context as the local church. 


On Sunday, we provided everyone a ESV Scripture Journal to take notes during the course of the campaign. If you missed gathering with us, make sure you grab one next Sunday. There are several other resources to help us in our beholding of the book of Acts.


Streetlights is a ministry of Creative Communicators called to intentionally engage global urban culture - primarily youth and young adults - with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by producing, translating, teaching and proclaiming God’s Word so all can understand. Our identity and call are founded on the belief that God’s Word is transformational and needs to be accessible and understandable to all people. Download the App [iOS/Android] and Listen to the Book of Acts.


The ESV Bible app provides a more traditional way to listen to the book of Acts. It compliments the ESV Scripture Journal and Bible translation of Doxa Church. Download the App [iOS/Android] and Listen to the Book of Acts.



Here are several really great commentaries on the book of Acts. Bock and Bruce would be considered technical commentaries [Scholarly], while Boice would be consider really practical and pastoral. Obviously, you can’t go wrong with a good study Bible either. I highly recommend the ESV Study Bible or The Reformation Study.

Jeth Looney