2 Sermons, 2 Weeks Of Quotes From SDG


Sermon One Quotes - Experienced

All I knew about Sproul was that he was a theologian, so I wasn’t enthusiastic. After all I reasoned, theology was for people who had time to study, locked in ivory towers far from the battlefield of human need. However, at my friend’s urging I finally agreed to watch Sproul’s series.

By the end of the sixth lecture I was on my knees, deep in prayer, in awe of God’s absolute holiness. It was a life-changing experience as I gained a completely new understanding of the holy God I believe in and worship.

My spiritual drought ended, but this taste for the majesty of God only made me thirst for more of him.

Chuck Colson, Loving God [pp.14-15]

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. A.W. Tozer

The earth is the theater that constantly displays God’s immeasurable glory, perfection, and attributes.


As rivers, the nearer they come unto the ocean…increase their waters…so will grace flow more freely and fully in its near approaches to the ocean of glory.

John Owen

The life of Christian is a mouthpiece to declare God’s glory alone— everyday, with everything, and everywhere.


In 1737, having alighted from my horse in a retired place, as my commonly has been, to walk for divine contemplation and prayer, I had a view, that for me was extraordinary, of the glory of the Son of God, as Mediator between God and man, and his wonderful, great, full, pure and sweet grace and love, and meek and gentle condescension. This grace that appeared so calm and sweet, appeared also great above the heaves. The person of Christ appeared ineffably excellent, with an excellency great enough to swallow up all though and conception —which continued, as near as I can judge, about an hour; which kept me the greater part of the time in a flood of tears, and weeping aloud.

Jonathan Edwards

SERMON Two QUotes—Expressed

God’s infinite worth made known through Christ expresses the praise of His glorious grace.


Paul’s benediction like these other men and mentions in Scripture, the benediction was designed to lift the readers’ eyes away from self, from fears, unto the majesty and glory of God. It was deliberate, intentional glory gazing upon God. A pondering of indicative facts about God. There are 202 words, 1 sentence describing the infinite worth and praise due to God.


Apart from Christ, we are hated by God, and he only begins to love us when we are united to the body of his beloved Son. It is an invaluable privilege of faith, that we know that was loved by the Father on our account, that we might be made partakers of the same love, and might enjoy it forever.

John Calvin

Brothers and sisters, friends, we again are met with vision of God which looms larger than our finite minds can fathom. God is Holy. He stands on entirely different plane of existence and a court of wisdom that makes Solomon look like an ignorant fool. God knows what He is doing and we are the beneficiaries of His glorious grace.


Who can describe the tokens of God’s goodness that are extended to the human race even in this life?

Augustine of Hippo

Here I must take counsel of the gospel. I must hearken to the gospel, which teacheth me, not what I ought to do, (for that is the proper office of the law), but what Jesus Christ the Son of God hath done for me: to wit, that He suffered and died to deliver me from sin and death. The gospel willeth me to receive this, and to believe it. And this is the truth of the gospel. It is also the principal article of all Christian doctrine, wherein the knowledge of all godliness consisteth. Most necessary it is, therefore, that we should know this article well, teach it unto others, and beat it into their heads continually.

Martin Luther, St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians (Smith, English & Co. 1860), p. 206.

Jeth Looney