The Christian life is often compared to a war, and this idea can make many people uncomfortable. Pastor John Piper has faced criticism for his emphasis on this concept within his ministry, as many prefer softer and safer language. However, a closer examination of the New Testament, particularly the teachings of the apostle Paul, challenges this perspective. Paul urged the church to actively "put to death the deeds" of the flesh and body. As the famous Puritan pastor and theologian John Owen once said, "Kill sin or sin will be killing you."
It is essential for Christians to engage in this battle against sin. Each day, between the "already" and "not yet" of a Christian's salvation, is lived on a spiritual battlefield. While most Christians acknowledge their sinful nature, many struggle to effectively combat sin. They lack the knowledge and understanding of how to truly overcome and break free from the patterns of sin in their lives.
In this Men's Intensive, we will explore what it means for a disciple to engage in the battle against their own sin. Join us for 11 weeks of intensive training on the principles of mortification and vivification.
The Cost of the Intensive
$12 will cover the cost of the book, journal, & coffee
The Duration of the Intensive
Join us every Wednesday morning for 11 weeks from August 30th through November 8th at 5:30-6:30am