The Requisites Prior To The Journey : Deacons
“Deacons likewise must be dignified”
Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a Deacon at Doxa Church. The Scriptures highlight the importance of this office [1 Timothy 3:8-13]. The office of Deacon when rightly understood and reflected according to Scripture is a blessing to the Church. Before we go any further into this journey, we need to examine a few things. Take a look at the list provided.
Do you believe that you meet the 1 Timothy 3 requirements of a Deacon?
As a reminder, this is how it reads:
Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy 3:8-13
Do you have a strong sense of calling to serve in the church and do others see that in you?
Have you read through the entire Bible at least once in the last five years?
Do you understand deacons do not primarily accomplish tasks for the church, rather operate with authority underneath the supervision and direction of the Elders? The Deacons exercise a delegated authority from the Elders to carry out and meet the needs within the body of the church.
Have you read Doxa's Statement of Faith? Do you 100% agree with it?
Are you willing to volunteer roughly 8-10 hours a week at Doxa Church? (Don't let this scare you too much, it involves things you may already be doing like actively leading in a Doxa Community, serving on the Lord’s Day, being fully present before and after some weekend gatherings, and attending Deacon meetings as needed.)
Have you been a Covenant Member in good standing for at least one year?
Gather: Faithful to gather on the Lord’s Day.
Scatter: Faithful to scatter for mission within the context of home, vocation, and a Doxa Community.
Do you belong to a Doxa Community?
Serve: Faithful to serve within the life of Doxa Church.
Are you serving in the life of the church already? (Leading a DC is a good example.)
Give: Faithful to live generously in all areas of life — time, talent, and treasure.
Have you been contributing financially to Doxa Church, regularly, sacrificially, and joyfully for at least one year? (Please understand that for those desiring Eldership, we do check the records).
Are you prepared to read 5,000 pages or more over the length of the Deacon candidacy?
Are you prepared to fill out a highly detailed application that will poke into your theology, practice, personal life and faith, family, marriage, your past, and your future? Like the Elder application the deacon application is intrusive due to the office playing an essential role in the life of the church. Additionally, your wife will also fill out a questionnaire about you and a few questions about herself.
Have you read"Paul’s Vision For The Deacons" by Alexander Strauch? This book lays out our understanding of the office of Deacon in the church.
The calling to be a servant in the church is essential to the church flourishing her witness as the buttress and pillar of truth. The development process for the office of Deacon will mirror the same rigor as Eldership process. Some might start the process and discover this is not something to pursue or even in this season of life. This is perfectly fine and appropriate. There are many other ways to serve in the life of the church. I'd be more than happy to help you discover that. If you checked every box here in the affirmative, let’s set up a meeting! You can do that by emailing my admin.
Soli Deo Gloria,