Expressions of Doxa Communities
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers... And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts”
Hard to believe it, but summer is almost over. The time to start up Doxa Communities (DC’s) full-time again is here already. This year we will be offering three different expressions of community. They are the Family, Gender, and Cohort DC’s. Why three expressions of DC’s and why use the term expression? The Lord has purchased the church already (Acts 20:28) so we do not need to create a community merely to express it. If you are in Christ you are joined as one body (1 Cor 12:12). At Doxa we recognize this truth while also understanding that people thrive in different environments. Some may gravitate toward larger groups and some more intimate. Many will find benefit in being in a large group family or gender DC and a Cohort.
A family DC meets in a host home and starts with a shared meal. Men, women, and children are all present. After the meal, there will be a study of selected content and times for prayer and fellowship. These groups are encouraged to participate in missional engagement in the neighborhoods they meet in.
The Gender-Based Expression
A gender-based DC may meet in a home or another space and also typically share a meal. Men or women compose these typically smaller groups. After the meal, there will be a study of selected content and times for prayer and fellowship. These groups are encouraged to engage in missional engagement in an agreed-upon setting during the year. There can be higher levels of accountability and intimacy here.
The newest expression is a Cohort. This is also gender-based and limited to 3-4 adults at most. These DC’s are often held out somewhere over coffee or something similar. When meeting there is prayer, perhaps a short study, and open dialogue about any failures or victories in the week. These DC’s offer the highest level of intimacy and accountability.
Remember the mission of Doxa church is that: We joyfully exist to fill every inch of the community with the glory of God by helping people behold, obey, and be transformed by the Gospel. These prayer-filled, gospel-centered, groups of disciples on mission are one of the ways we gain those inches both in our hearts, our families, and our neighborhoods for the Glory of God!