Family Worship & Devotion Week Seventh


We have had the opportunity to look at many different attributes of God during this campaign. As we do so, there can be a temptation to learn these things simply to obtain knowledge. But the goal of this campaign was and continues to be that we are able to behold these truths about Christ, these attributes, and in turn our heart is transformed and led to worship because of who Christ is. The treasure is not to know about God, but to know God himself. What a gracious gift he allows!

It is our prayer that this campaign has transformed individuals and families alike, and that this content has provided a starting place for discipleship conversations within the weekly rhythms of the home. As always, if there are any ways we can support you, pray for you, or serve you, please reach out! 




The omnipresence of God means that there is no place or time that God is not. He is everywhere, all of the time, fully present at all times. Where we are limited, He is limitless. We will be back in the Jesus Storybook Bible this week, reading “God Sends Help,” the story of God gifting us the Holy Spirit. This is just one of the ways that God is all places at all times, and what a gracious gift the Holy Spirit is for us, that we did not have to be left alone because Jesus’s time on earth was done! 

Jesus Storybook Bible 

God Sends Help

Page 326


God, thank you that you are always with us, never leaving us alone. Thank you that you are in all things at all times. Amen.







What does it mean that God is omnipresent? 


God’s omnipresence means that he is in all places at all times. We are limited to being in one place at a time, and even then, sometimes we are fully present— we watch TV or use our phones, try to do too many things at once, etc. instead of caring for and listening to the people we’re spending time with in person. God, however, is able to be in all places, at all times, and be fully present. It is not something we can fully understand, but it is a gracious gift and good news for us that we are never alone! 


“Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 23:23-24


God, thank you that you are different than us in so many ways and that we can trust you. Thank you that even though we are limited by things like time and place, you are limitless and can be in all places at all times. Thank you that you are with us! Amen.

Jeth Looney