On Sunday Pastor Jeth Looney preached out of Colossians 2:8-15, which teaches that Christ is enough for our freedom. This video is a deeper look at verses 11 and 12, and the imagery provided by the circumcision of Christ; a picture of the crucifixion of Christ as the means that our sin is removed.
This imagery not only reminds us that the price of our sin was was paid on the cross (in the past), or that it affords us a day when sin is completely eradicated (in the future), but also provides us hope that because of the circumcision of Christ we are empowered to be freed from the current power of sin (the Gospel is for right now).
The spiritual circumcision, the removal of our sinful flesh and regeneration of our spirit, that takes place when we place our faith in Jesus allows us to adopt a Gospel worldview- one that supplies freedom in the power to say “no” to temptation and “no” to placing identity in our sinful ways and instead rely on Christ’s power within us as the strength we need.

Jeth Looney