Good News For The Head & Heart


Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. 

Psalm 119:18

Since day one for us as a local church we have been committed to singing songs that are Biblically faithful, theological robust, and experientially informed by truth, so people can behold the good news of Jesus. That means lyrics are more valuable to us than tempo, popularity, and even sing-ability. Songs have the power to create spiritual formation in the life of disciples. It’s with great joy for us to introduce a couple new songs this Sunday. We’d like to invite you to download them, read the lyrics of them, and then spend the next couple days listening to them over and over again. In fact, reading the lyrics would prove to be fruitful and edifying.


As you listen to these songs, we’d love for you to wrestle with the questions below. It’s these kind of questions that serve to help us in the “renewing of our minds.”

“How does this help me behold Jesus?”

"What do these lyrics help me behold about God?”

May these songs help the Word of Christ dwell in us richly, as they teach us, admonish us in the Wisdom of God, Jesus Christ, so our hearts will be filled with thanksgiving to God.

Jeth Looney