Enough For Now & Forever
Greetings! I write this blog to introduce our next Sermon Campaign as a local church, Colossians: Christ Is Enough. Many months ago, I began planning for our church to move through this beautiful Pauline epistle, but oblivious to the reality that world would be interrupted like it has been. Nonetheless, I believe it’s the Lord’s providence that we will be studying this book. All of us find ourselves subjected to an often ignored and forgotten truth: we are not in control. The wonderful truth in Colossians reminds us Christ is in control.
All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
Colossians 1:16-18
If Christ is in control, Christ is sufficient to sustain His people no matter the trial or adversity.
Vision of the Campaign
In a small city was a church who understood the grace of God in truth, the Gospel, and exhibited a love for all the saints because of their hope laid up in heaven. An imprisoned apostle, Paul, heard about the Colossians’ faith and the cultural ideologies that pressured them to turn away from their only hope. Paul encouraged the Colossians to remain steadfast in the face of adversity…because Christ is enough. God’s people, the Church, finds herself in a similar situation today. Gone are the days when Christian morals and values garner respect and possess influence. A time has arrived when truth is defined by subjectivism, pushing Christians to the margins of society. As pressure mounts, the Christians are faced with a decision: to cave or have confidence. Join us as we behold the sufficiency of the Gospel as our only real hope.
Help For Beholding Christ In Colossians
We have ESV Scripture Journals for the book of Colossians available. We would love to provide these to everyone as we study the book. If you are interested in receiving one, please click the button below. They will be delivered right to your doorstep!
Because Christ is Enough,
Pastor Jeth Looney