What's Next For Doxa?
Greetings, and Happy New Year! I trust it's been off to a good start for you. It's tough to believe it’s 2020. As we embark on the upcoming year, we all wonder what it may hold.
For us as a local church, I've wrestled with the Lord about what's next for us in 2020 for months, not unlike what we see in Genesis 32 with Jacob. While I didn't walk away with a new name for the church or myself, the Lord did provide some clarity from months of thinking, praying, and studying the Scriptures. Mark 5:28 offers the best explanation of what's next for us...
"For She said, ‘If I touch even his garment, I will be made well.’"
Let me bring you up to speed with the context of this short, little, life-altering verse. This confession of faith was uttered from the lips of a ceremonially unclean woman. Basically, she was considered impure according to Levitical law [Leviticus 15:25-28]. To state even more simply, she was sinful. Her sin had caused her shame and made her a social outcast. Remarkably, she saw the remedy to her problem, she would be made well by touching the garment of Jesus. Is this superstition? Nope. This is the substance of faith. Her life would change if she drew close to Jesus. Jesus was the only one who could transform her life. He was the only one who could make her well.
Beloved, this is still true for us today. It's been the mission since day one, we want to help people behold Jesus, and not only help others, but we behold as well. So what's next for us...more beholding, more obeying, and more being transformed by Jesus. Therefore, as your pastor, I aim to tirelessly labor in this endeavor and I want to share some of the ways we hope to do this in 2020, specifically the coming months.
January 12 - The Resolved Habit of Godliness - 1 Timothy 4:7-8
January 14 & 15 - Doxa Communities Resume
January 19 - The Sanctity of Life - Psalm 139
January 26 - Belonging To The Body - Ephesians 4:1-6
February 2 - One Year Birthday
February 8 - Farm Share Community Engagement Event
February 9 - Ruth: A Daring Little Love Story
February 22 - Ladies Gathering
TBA - Monthly Student Gathering
March 29 - Colossians: Christ Is Enough
TBA - Men’s Gathering
TBA - Monthly Student Gathering
April 10 - Good Friday
April 12 - Easter
TBA - Monthly Student Gathering
I covet your prayers in this. Not for me, but US. You, I, and others need this. Still, I want your help in another way. The woman in Mark 5 had to make an effort to draw near to Jesus. She faced obstacles, but she was unwilling to compromise her pursuit to gain access to Christ. My challenge is straightforward. Consider this question, "What is hindering me from drawing near to Jesus?" There are several things I could list here, but I'm confident the Holy Spirit will help you discern what that is for you personally. Here's what I can tell you for sure: Jesus is Better. Jesus is Enough. When the woman gained access to Jesus, the Bible tells us she was healed. God honored her faith. My prayer would be for the Lord to do the very same thing in the life of our church and those who have yet to be made well by the good news of the Gospel!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jeth