Take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
2 Corinthians 10:5–6
YouTube is a modern day phenomenon. It burst onto the internet back in 2005, where it was just a place to post videos. Now YouTube serves as a platform for watching television. Still it’s a place to watch videos, it hasn’t drifted from that. One of the interesting things about YouTube is that it’s become a tool for learning. Just the other day I overheard a group of kids talk about how they learned to play guitar from… You guessed it: YouTube. It’s not uncommon for me to check out YouTube to brush up on Photoshop skills. The real rub is this: YouTube makes Disciples.
All the elements of discipleship can be found on the YouTube platform: a teacher, student, instruction, and proximity. Everything you need to make disciples. Sadly, this kind of discipleship is of no eternal significance and no supplier of joy. In Christ, we are made disciples. Not just any random disciple of a trending YouTube channel. Rather, disciples of the only One to create by just speaking a word, who holds the universe together by the same word, and became the living word, Jesus Christ, to live, die, resurrect, and ascend to the throne of the universe. Our Doxa Communities serve as an environment to make disciples of Jesus who make other disciples of Jesus.
Doxa Communities are just one of the environments of a local church where we seek to make disciples. Briefly, let’s take a moment and define a disciple for Doxa. For Doxa Church, we define a disciple as someone who is increasingly taking a part of their life and submitting it to the Lordship of Jesus. This would be the by-product of a person who beholds, obeys, and is being transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
Discipleship is a community project. It’s part of sharing life together and makes us different than a club or social group. The expressed desire of a Doxa Community should be to grow to be more like Jesus. God joined a people to form them into the image of Jesus. There is one major tool that defines and directs us to grow as disciples: the Scriptures.
From childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 3:15
According to a recent Lifeway Research study, it showed less than 50% of professing evangelicals read the Bible every day and only 39% percent of those who attend worship services at least once per month read the Bible every day. This is terrible news. There are a lot of contributing factors. Our prayer at Doxa Church is not to be included in those kind of stats. When life’s circumstances squeeze a disciple from Doxa Church, we want to bleed Scriptures. Our growth as disciples is completely dependent on time in the Scriptures.