Prayers of Old Saints: John Bradford


On Sunday, we continued our sermon series on prayer. Often, we try to impress God with our prayers, but we can come to Him as we are. He is a loving Father who knows we are needy and messy. Rather than trying to impress God with our well crafted prayers, get to know God's character and embrace prayer as an opportunity to grow your relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Through the course of the sermon series, we will look at the prayers of old saints from church history. This is a great way to grow in our prayer life as we read the words of how Christians spoke to the ear of God in prayer.

This week, we will look at a prayer from John Bradford. John Bradford was an English preacher and reformer who lived from 1510-1555. He served as the chaplain to Edward VI, and ultimately was burned at the stake for his Protestant convictions. 

As by this word Father I am taught to glory of you and in you, and all that ever you have, for you are wholly mine, my Lord my God, and my Father, so by this word our I am taught to glory of all the good, that all and each of your servants that ever were, are, or shall be , had , have, and shall have. For now I am taught to believe that you have called me into the communion of your church and people, whom hereby I perceive you have commanded to be careful for me, as for themselves, and in all their prayers to be  as mindful of me as of themselves. Again, as by this word Father I am taught to remember and render my duty which I owe you toward you, faith, love, fear, obedience, etc., as mine own; and therefore to labor to help them in heart and hand, after my vocation and ability, utterly abhorring all pride, self-love, arrogance, and contempt. 

Jeth Looney