Passion Week


"When the days drew near for him to be taken up, Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem."

Luke 9:51

We stand on the brink of remembering the most important week in human history, Passion Week. The absence of the life, death, & resurrection of Jesus Christ means no salvation for humanity and no hope for life or in life. Friends, I'm so grateful that God saw fit to send His only begotten Son and not leave us to our own devices. I’m prayerful and expectant that the Lord will do great things during Passion Week at Doxa Church, and I would like to invite you to join us at all three gatherings during the week: 

Palm Sunday, April 14 at 10AM

Good Friday, April 19 at 7PM

Easter Sunday, April 21 at 10AM

There are several ways you can help serve and prepare for our first Passion Week. 

  • Prayer. Spend 2-3 minutes in prayer every day until Easter Sunday [April 21]. Ask God to work in our lives and the lives of the people who will be served in the coming weeks. 

  • Invite Card. We’ve created cards to help you invite someone to join us during Passion Week. Who is your person? Have you prayed for them? When do you plan to share the card with them? If you need a card or need more, please email,

  • Post on your Social Media. Over the next few days, we will post about Passion Week. We encourage you to share these posts, write one of your own, or use social media as a platform to welcome your friends and family to Doxa Church for Passion Week. 

  • Share the Passion Week Video. A video has been created focusing on each day of Passion Week. We would love for you to share this video on social media. The video is now on our Facebook page, but you can also access it here.

  • Serve Good Friday. We need volunteers to serve on the Guest Services Team and assist with the Doxa Kids check-in on Friday, April 19. Volunteers will need to arrive at 6:15PM. We also need volunteers to assist with setup during the day at 3:00PM. If you would like to serve, please let us know by Saturday, April 13 via email,

I am honored to have the opportunity to gather with you as a local church to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross and celebrate His resurrection. My prayer is that these gatherings would be an opportunity to orient our hearts around these truths. I am thankful for you and your continued commitment to Doxa Church. 

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Jeth

Jeth Looney